
platinumplaycasino| Hengtong Optoelectronics (600487): Improved business and improved profitability

platinumplaycasino| Hengtong Optoelectronics (600487): Improved business and improved profitability

核心观点 公司经营向好,盈利能力持续提升,光通信与智能电网板块毛利率提升。2023 年以来公司持续中标国内外海上风电和海洋油气项目,在手订单充足。公司持续提升海工能力以及完善海缆产能基地布局,除常熟基地外,积极推动江苏射阳、广东揭阳海缆产能投产。结合各省海上风电规划,我...
67 0 2024-05-05
mostrecentpowerballnumbers| Soul founder Zhang Lu's team leads the innovation and development of the platform to provide users with a more immersive social experience

mostrecentpowerballnumbers| Soul founder Zhang Lu's team leads the innovation and development of the platform to provide users with a more immersive social experience

  在移动互联网时代,社交平台的竞争异常激烈,创新成为突围的关键。作为一款以兴趣为核心的社交应用,Soul App在创始人张璐的带领下不断探索技术、模式和功能的创新,为用户提供更加多样化和沉浸式的社交体验。  Soul创始人张璐以及团队对年轻一代用户的社交需求有深刻的洞...
47 0 2024-05-04
mgmspringfieldpoker| The country's first store opens on May Day! The official station stationed in Tianhuan Square to explore new commercial development models

mgmspringfieldpoker| The country's first store opens on May Day! The official station stationed in Tianhuan Square to explore new commercial development models

47 0 2024-05-04
yyyjlcom| Huaxin Cement (600801): The domestic cement downturn is the core drag

yyyjlcom| Huaxin Cement (600801): The domestic cement downturn is the core drag

  事件描述  公司2024 一季报:营业收入约70yyyjlcom.84 亿元,同比增加6.87%;归属净利润约1.77 亿元,同比减少28.43%。  事件评论  2024Q1:需求较为低迷,公司所处市场也不例外。2024Q1 全行业水泥需求较为低迷,地产和基建均趋...
58 0 2024-05-04