
freewsopchips2021| Xiaopeng Automobile has changed its sales leader, making it difficult to implement the batch sales model nationwide


Interface News reporter | Zhou Xianqi

Interface News Editor | Chen Xiaotong

Sales fell to 2% in the first quarterFreewsopchips2021.20,000 vehiclesFreewsopchips2021After failing to achieve monthly sales of more than 10,000 for several months, Xiaopeng made another personnel adjustment at the sales end in April.

Interface News learned from a number of independent sources that Gu Yuanqin, vice president of operation and management of Xiaopeng Automobile Financial platform, succeeded Wang Tong and served as head of Xiaopeng automobile sales. Gu Yuanqin, 63, was a director of Guangzhou Hagrid Communications Co., Ltd. Before joining Xiaopeng Motor. This is a communications and navigation equipment manufacturing company that has helped Xiaopeng Automobile develop a high-precision lane-level navigation and positioning system for Beidou.

freewsopchips2021| Xiaopeng Automobile has changed its sales leader, making it difficult to implement the batch sales model nationwide

According to people familiar with the matter, Wang Tong has now been transferred to the management president to run the business. After the merger of Xiaopeng Automobile Direct Marketing and Dealer in 2023, Wang Tong, who is in charge of major customer sales business, became the new sales person. He has been in this position for only one year.

Xiaopeng, whose sales are difficult to make a breakthrough, is also trying to get back on track through channel adjustment. Interface News reported in March that Xiaopeng asked dealers to purchase half of their target sales every month in order to achieve faster delivery and improve efficiency. The model is expected to be operational in April.

However, interface news learned from a number of independent sources that due to internal concerns and dealer resistance, the wholesale model has only been tested in a small range, so it is difficult to promote it throughout the country.

A person close to Xiaopeng car dealer investor told Interface News that the inventory handling of new energy vehicles is more difficult than that of fuel vehicles. At the end of last year, a large dealership group in Shanghai purchased more than 400 new cars in reserve stock to help Xiaopeng achieve its monthly sales target, but the batch has not yet been cleared.

Different from the replacement time of fuel vehicles which can be as long as 7 years, the hot selling time of new energy vehicles can only last for half a year, and the pace of manufacturers to push through the old and bring forth the new is accelerating, which directly leads to the fact that the inventory cars purchased by dealers in advance lag behind the market demand.

Zhu Jie, general manager of Jieran Road Consulting, who pays close attention to the end market all the year round, pointed out in an interview with the interface news that the modification of new energy vehicles is different from the simple configuration of fuel vehicles, but will directly affect the core experience of users.

"at this time, new energy inventory cars are like expired mobile phones, and dealers are under greater pressure to deal with them. And now the residual value of new energy used cars is low, dealers want to clear inventory through the second network channel is also difficult to make up for losses. "

The ongoing price war in the automobile industry also directly affects the inventory handling of dealers. Take the Xiaopeng G6 as an example, several price cuts and new models have been launched since the beginning of the year, and the starting price has been reduced to 179900 yuan from 209900 yuan at the time of listing. The profitable space for wholesalers to buy goods has also been shrunk.

Xiaopeng car is worried that the wholesale model under the pressure of sales or prone to terminal price instability, dealers reduce prices to promote sales. Prior to this, when Xiaopeng's two sets of management teams were in charge of direct marketing and authorized joining mode, there had been terminal price confusion and vicious competition in stores.

According to the person familiar with the matter, investors in Xiaopeng super stores do not have more places and funds to store cars, and they are also worried that wholesale distributors will disturb terminal prices and will be more inclined to sell Xiaopeng X9, which has no wholesale pressure and consistent tilt of resources. It is reported that Xiaopeng car merchants super stores are speeding up the speed of withdrawal from the Internet.

Zhu told Interface News that the current shift from agency to wholesale mode also includes Zhiji and Feifan, but its channel adjustment has not played a role in boosting sales.

After four months of vacancy, Xiaopeng Motor will also usher in a new head of marketing. Interface News confirmed from insiders that Yu Tao, the head of marketing for Yijia mobile phone, is expected to join Xiaopeng Motor in the near future, responsible for marketing and public relations communication strategy, and report directly to Wang Fengying, president of Xiaopeng Automobile.

Prior to this, Yi Han was in charge of Xiaopeng automobile marketing and public relations. The old man, who has rich experience in automobile marketing, has worked in marketing for Geely, Volvo, Lectra, Smart and the radar brand. At the beginning of this year, Yi Han left Xiaopeng Automobile and returned to the Smart brand to take up the post of CEO in China.

Since the beginning of this year, Xiaopeng's marketing work has almost come to a standstill, and the volume of brand promotion, marketing and marketing activities is weak. Zhu Jie pointed out to the Interface News that the new car-building force, which is labeled with "domestic Tesla", has failed to maintain the brand attributes of pioneer and technology in the market.

Xiaopeng put the next sales growth potential on the new series of models, the MONA. A Xiaopeng insider told the Interface News that MONA was originally scheduled to operate as an independent new brand, but finally abandoned the plan for a second brand because it did not have the ability to operate two brands at the same time, and the price range between the MONA model and Xiaopeng's existing models was small.

Xiaopeng expects to sell 280000 vehicles this year, which means the company will sell an average of more than 30, 000 vehicles a month to complete the KPI. For Xiaopeng, which has not yet returned to sales of more than 10,000, the difficulty of the task is self-evident.