
miniclawmachine| Sugar industry in Chongzuo: Improve the output efficiency of sugarcane per unit area and build a solid strategic foundation for the sugar industry


Newsletter summary

The Sugar Industry in Chongzuo City is facing challengesMiniclawmachineThe unit output benefit of sugarcane is low, but it is expected to improve the output benefit and provide new opportunities for investors by improving planting pattern, popularizing high-yield varieties, strengthening infrastructure construction and so on.

miniclawmachine| Sugar industry in Chongzuo: Improve the output efficiency of sugarcane per unit area and build a solid strategic foundation for the sugar industry

Text of news flash

Chongzuo City is committed to improving the output efficiency of sugarcane per unit area and tamping the strategic industrial foundation of sugar in order to cope with the challenge of rising sugar production costs and declining enthusiasm of farmers. The city's sugar industry is facing the urgent need of transformation and upgrading in order to achieve high-quality development. The planting area of sugar cane in Chongzuo City is stable at about 4 million mu, and the planting rate of improved variety breeding and promotion is 98%. However, the output benefit per unit of sugarcane is low, mainly due to the low enthusiasm of sugarcane farmers, the aging of the labor force, the weak research on sugarcane variety improvement, serious soil degradation, insufficient sugarcane production infrastructure and single income of sugarcane field. In order to improve the output benefit of sugarcane per unit area, Chongzuo City put forward a number of countermeasures. It includes stabilizing sugarcane planting area, vigorously developing and popularizing high-yield and high-sugar sugarcane varieties, strengthening soil improvement, improving sugarcane field infrastructure, promoting the whole process of sugarcane production mechanization, and popularizing scientific and technological planting and management models. demonstration leads to create a demonstration model of sugarcane planting and management, as well as strong chain extension chains to improve sugarcane utilization and increase sugarcane income. The goal of Chongzuo City is to build the sugar industry into the center of China's sugar industry and to improve the domestic and international influence of Chongzuo sugar industry. Through scientific and technological innovation and industrial modernization, Chongzuo City expects to gradually improve the strategic position of the sugar industry and make greater contributions to high-quality economic and social development.