
matchroompoker| ST Jiuzhi: Controlling shareholder releases pledge of 76.9339 million shares


China Securities Intelligent Financial News ST Jiuzhi (Rights Protection)(000989) announced at noon on May 23 that the company recently received a notice from controlling shareholder Li Zhenguo that some of its shares in the company had been released from pledge. The number of shares released from pledge is 7,693matchroompoker.3,900 shares, accounting for 35.72% of its shares and 8.99% of the company's total share capital.

As of May 22, Li Zhenguo held 215.3 million shares, accounting for 25.17%. The cumulative number of pledged shares due by Li Zhenguo in the next six months is 36.76 million shares, accounting for 17.07% of his shares and 4.29% of the total share capital, with a corresponding financing balance of 186 million yuan; The cumulative number of pledged shares due in the next year (excluding due within six months) is 12.96 million shares, accounting for 6.02% of his shares and 1.51% of the company's total share capital, and the corresponding financing balance is 50 million yuan. Li Zhenguo's repayment funds come from his own funds or self-raised funds and has the ability to repay funds.

According to data, over the years, ST Jiuzhi has always adhered to the corporate philosophy of "Jiuzhou Tongzhi, Zhilan Tongfang", with the research and development, production and sales of traditional Chinese medicine as the core, and has gradually explored the layout of stem cells, traditional Chinese medicine medical health services, and innovative businesses such as the homologous series of big health products. It has developed into a modern large-scale pharmaceutical enterprise with 20 subsidiaries and integrating scientific research, production, sales and health management.

matchroompoker| ST Jiuzhi: Controlling shareholder releases pledge of 76.9339 million shares

In 2023, the company will achieve total operating income of 2.961 billion yuan and net profit attributable to the parent company of 297 million yuan.

(Article sourcematchroompoker: China Securities Journal·China Securities Network)