
sonicarcademachine| Good raid! The A-share track of 600 billion yuan is boiling!


TodaySonicarcademachineA blockbuster document went viral in the market.

On May 21, the Interface News reported that the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission issued a notice on the adjustment of the medical cosmetic surgery program. The notice shows that physiotherapy and injection therapy have been added in the cosmetic surgery level 1 project "(4) other". Among them, injection therapy includes the injection of hyaluronic acid, collagen, poly-L-lactic acid, polycaprolactone, hydroxyapatite, poly-double-lactic acid and other fillers.

Some analysts pointed out that cosmetic surgery can use hyaluronic acid and other injection projects, which may be a good thing for the hyaluronic acid track, or will further push up the consumption of hyaluronic acid. According to the "Analysis report on Market Prospect and Investment Strategic Planning of China's Hyaluronic Acid Industry" released by the prospective Industrial Research Institute, hyaluronic acid accounts for 31% of non-surgical medical projects.SonicarcademachineIt is estimated that by 2026, the market size of hyaluronic acid in China will reach 12.7 billion yuan, with an annual compound growth rate of about 14%.Sonicarcademachine.18%.

Back to the market level, A-share medical and beauty track experienceSonicarcademachineAfter a long-term adjustment, the Wind Medical and Beauty Index is still at a low level, with a cumulative decline of 49.9% from its peak in 2021. As of May 21, the total market capitalization of medical and beauty concept stocks in the A-share market exceeded 600 billion yuan.

Blockbuster file

On May 21, the Interface News reported that the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission issued a notice on the adjustment of the medical cosmetic surgery program. The notice shows that physiotherapy and injection therapy have been added in the cosmetic surgery level 1 project "(4) other".

Among them, physiotherapy includes laser therapy, intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy, radiofrequency therapy, photodynamic therapy, ultrasound therapy, microneedle therapy, and thread techniques for tissue lifting and tightening. Injection treatment includes hyaluronidase injection, scar injection, plastic injection, sclerosing agent injection, intradermal drug injection, and injection of hyaluronic acid, collagen, poly-L-lactic acid, polycaprolactone, hydroxyapatite, poly-double-lactic acid and other fillers.

Among them, hyaluronic acid (hyaluronic acid) is a polysaccharide molecule widely found in the human body, which can help maintain the elasticity and luster of the skin and slow down aging by injection or external application. In the field of medicine and beauty, hyaluronic acid products have the title of "light of medical beauty injection". In the early years, hyaluronic acid products were regarded as "medical beauty Maotai (600519)" by many investors because of their high gross margin, wide recognition and strong demand.

The restriction that cosmetic surgeons are unable to carry out injection treatment stems from the classified Management Catalog of Medical Beauty programs issued by the former Ministry of Health in 2009.

According to the catalogue of classified Management of Medical and Beauty programs, Medical and Beauty programs are divided into cosmetic surgery, cosmetic dentistry, cosmetic dermatology and cosmetic traditional Chinese medicine. Among them, in the cosmetic surgery program, breast augmentation and plastic surgery are included, while laser therapy and aspiration, injection and filling are included in the cosmetic dermatology.

sonicarcademachine| Good raid! The A-share track of 600 billion yuan is boiling!

In fact, Guangdong is not the first province in China to adjust the program of medical cosmetic surgery. Prior to this, Beijing and Shanghai have issued relevant policies.

According to the detailed rules for the Administration of Beijing Medical and Beauty Services (2012 Edition), cosmetic surgery programs adjust and increase injection programs, including intradermal drug injection, sclerosing agent injection, botulinum toxin injection, filling injection and hyaluronic acid injection.

According to the classified Management Catalog of Shanghai Medical and Beauty Service programs, cosmetic surgery programs have also adjusted to increase injection programs, including botulinum toxin injection, filler injection, laser, optoelectronic therapy, and so on.

How big is the impact?

Yin Weimin, director of Shenzhen Junzhuo Medical Cosmetic and plastic surgery Institute, said that this document has many effects: first, cosmetic surgeons can finally inject patients and operate acousto-optic instruments without having to struggle in the conflict between supervision and actual operation; second, in the overall decline of the plastic surgery market and the rise of medical injection products, the employment scope of cosmetic surgeons has been expanded.

Because of the characteristic of "beauty can be changed without surgery", the light medical beauty project represented by non-surgical injection continues to be hot and occupies a high market share of medical beauty. According to Deloitte data, in the medical and beauty market, the income of non-surgical items has exceeded that of surgical projects, and in terms of consumption, non-surgical projects have accounted for more than half of the market.

In addition, according to Frost Sullivan report data, the Chinese medical beauty track is dominated by light medical beauty, showing a rapid growth trend, and the market growth rate of non-surgical medical beauty services is higher than that of surgery. It is estimated that the market size of surgical and non-surgical medical beauty in China will reach 222.4 billion yuan and 415.7 billion yuan respectively in 2030, and non-surgical medical beauty projects are expected to become the mainstream market of medical beauty.

In non-surgical medical beauty projects, injection items are the entry-level choice of medical beauty consumers, which has the characteristics of simple operation and obvious effect. According to the data of China Business Industry Research Institute, the market size of injection medical and beauty projects in China is about 33.3 billion yuan in 2020, and the CAGR from 2016 to 2020 will reach 20.3%. The field of injection medicine and beauty in China is almost the plate with the largest number of upstream brands, the most exuberant consumer demand and the fastest growth rate in China's medical and beauty industry, and it still has some room for growth and progress.

Among them, hyaluronic acid is particularly popular. The "Analysis report on Market Prospect and Investment Strategic Planning of China's Hyaluronic Acid Industry" released by the prospective Industrial Research Institute shows that in non-surgical medical and beauty projects, injection project hyaluronic acid accounts for 31.7%; it is estimated that by 2026, China's hyaluronic acid market will reach 12.7 billion yuan, with an annual compound growth rate of about 14.18%.

Analysts pointed out that the latest notice issued by the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission makes it clear that cosmetic surgery can use injection programs such as hyaluronic acid, which may be good for the hyaluronic acid track or will further boost the consumption of hyaluronic acid.

Returning to the market level, the Wind Medical Index (8841418) is currently low, closing down 0.73% at 1260.16 points as of May 21, down 49.9% from its peak in June 2021.

According to Wind data, the total market value of medical and beauty concept stocks in the A-share market is more than 600 billion yuan.

It should be pointed out that with the entry of more and more enterprises, the competition of hyaluronic acid track intensifies, the price of hyaluronic acid raw materials, end products and gross profit margin are declining year by year. As of April this year, more than 40 brands of hyaluronic acid medical and beauty devices for injection have been approved by the State Drug Administration Commission (NMPA), and there are more homogenized products on the market. Founder Securities (601901) reported that the supply-side dividend period of hyaluronic acid products has ended and supply exceeds demand.