
casinorouletteonlinefree| Federal Reserve governor said he would not consider cutting interest rates during the year


Transferred from: Xinhua Finance

casinorouletteonlinefree| Federal Reserve governor said he would not consider cutting interest rates during the year

Xinhua Finance, Washington, May 10th (Reporter Xu Yuan) Michelle Bowman (Michelle Bowman), director of the Federal Reserve Board of the United States, said on the 10thCasinorouletteonlinefreeDue to the persistence of inflationary pressures in the United States, it is not appropriate for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates this year.

Bowman said in an interview with the US media on the same day that due to the disappointing US inflation data in the past few months, it will take a long time to be sure that inflation will achieve the 2% target set by the Federal Reserve. Meeting the inflation target is a prerequisite for the Fed to cut interest rates. In view of this, she expects the federal funds rate to remain at its current level for a longer period of time. "there are no plans to cut interest rates (for 2024) at the moment."

Bowman attended the annual meeting of the State Bankers' Association in Texas on the same day and delivered a speech urging Fed policy makers to promote monetary policy "cautiously and cautiously" to achieve the inflation target.

On the same day, Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Lori Logan (Lorie Logan) pointed out at the annual meeting of the State Bankers Association in Louisiana that the Fed needs to "maintain a very flexible attitude" towards monetary policy and continue to pay attention to the upcoming data to see how the financial situation evolves.

"I need to see some of the uncertainties on our path resolved," Logan said. But the inflation figures so far this year have been disappointing and it is "too early for the Fed to consider cutting interest rates".

At its monetary policy meeting ended on the 1st, the Federal Reserve announced that it would maintain the target range of the federal funds rate at 5.CasinorouletteonlinefreeRemain unchanged between 25% and 5.5%. This is the sixth time in a row that the Fed has left interest rates unchanged since September last year.

Editor: Wu Zhengsi