
okebetslot| Sudden good! In the afternoon, funds accelerated into the photovoltaic sector! Battery ETF(561910) rose more than 3%


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The market fluctuated and rebounded in the afternoon, with the GEM index leading the gains driven by the surge in the photovoltaic sector. In terms of sectors, funds fled real estate stocks in the afternoon and flowed into photovoltaics, consumer electronics, copper cable connections, etc., with the photovoltaic sector having the largest inflow of funds. In terms of ETF, the characterization sectorokebetslotThe battery ETF(561910) once rose 3.3okebetslot.10%。Intraday premiums appear frequently, and the intention of capital layout is obvious.

In the news, on May 21, stimulated by the news that the China Photovoltaic Industry Association organized the "Symposium on High-Quality Development of the Photovoltaic Industry", the photovoltaic equipment sector surged rapidly in the morning of May 22, and the index once rose by more than 5% in intraday trading., continued to be strong in the afternoon. Recently,okebetslotPrices in my country's photovoltaic industry chain have been declining all the time, and corporate operations have been under pressure, which has adversely affected the high-quality development of my country's photovoltaic industry. In order to discuss the current problems faced by the photovoltaic industry, their causes and countermeasures, and guide the orderly development of the industry, this meeting "came into being".

okebetslot| Sudden good! In the afternoon, funds accelerated into the photovoltaic sector! Battery ETF(561910) rose more than 3%

The analysis pointed out that overall, there is still pressure on the silicon material sector, while other links in the photovoltaic industry chain have also failed to escape a similar fate. In this context, low-price competition has become the main means for companies to seize customers. Although this process is expected to promote the continuous clearing of low-end and duplicate production capacity, some analysts also admit that low-price competition will also To a certain extent, it will affect the healthy development of the industry, limiting companies 'investment in R & D and innovation, thus affecting the long-term competitiveness of the industry. Therefore, the convening of this meeting also stated that it will strengthen the crackdown on vicious competition in sales below cost prices. At the same time, the statement of encouraging industry mergers and reorganizations and smoothing the market exit mechanism also gave suggestions for supply-side reform of the industry.