
bingogold| The Ministry of Commerce responds to Japan's plan to tighten export controls in semiconductors and other fields: resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises


A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce answered a reporter's question on Japan's proposed tightening of export controls on semiconductors and other areas. A reporter asked: the Japanese government announced on April 26 that it intends to impose export controls on related items in semiconductors and other fields.BingogoldAnd solicit public views on the relevant measures. How do you comment on this?

bingogold| The Ministry of Commerce responds to Japan's plan to tighten export controls in semiconductors and other fields: resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises

A: we have noted that the Japanese government has announced its intention to impose export controls on related items in semiconductors and other fields. China is seriously concerned about this. Semiconductor is a highly globalized industry. after decades of development, it has formed an industrial pattern of you and me, which is the result of the joint action of market law and enterprise choice. For some time, individual countries have frequently generalized the concept of national security, abused export control measures, artificially separated the global semiconductor market, seriously deviated from the principles of free trade and multilateral trade rules, and seriously affected the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain. The relevant measures proposed by the Japanese side will seriously affect normal trade relations between Chinese and Japanese enterprises, harm others at the expense of themselves, and damage the stability of the global supply chain. China urges Japan to proceed from the overall situation of bilateral economic and trade relations, correct erroneous practices in a timely manner, and jointly maintain the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain. China will take necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises.