
freevideopokeronlinemultihanddeluxe| Crime against the wind? The two A-share companies have once again achieved "God's prophecy"!


After the "divine prophecy" has been fulfilled one after another, there is more and more discussion about the stock price performance in the comment area of the relevant stocks.

Among them, there are still some related discussions that accurately predict the performance of stocks. On May 22nd, the Chinese Merchants Group (600774) rose by the limit without warning, which seems to have been spoiled in advance. Leike Defense (002413) rose the limit on time under the condition that netizens predicted in advance.

Is such an accurate prediction a coincidence or insider trading? Some analysts pointed out that it is possible that hot money has released news to the market in advance in order to demonstrate its trading strength; it is also possible that some funds have mastered useful market information in advance and disclosed the news in advance to achieve the purpose of driving up the stock price; in addition, it is also possible that some investors speculate at will, but under the spread of the Internet, it has attracted the attention of funds.

"against the wind" predicts the limit.

The "divine prophecy" of Nanjing chemical fiber (600889) and Zhongtong bus (000957) is not over, and two more stocks are targeted by "divine prophecy".

On May 22, shortly after the opening of A-share trading, some netizens said in the platform of Raike Defense's stock bar thatFreevideopokeronlinemultihanddeluxe: "10Freevideopokeronlinemultihanddeluxe: 00 Reco defense pull up the limit. " Starting at 09:53, the share price of Raiko Defense soared, rising 5% in five minutes and blocking the limit at 10:01.

A source from the Secret Office of the Raike Defense Board responded that the company had made a bet on the rise in the share price. With regard to the prediction of shareholders, there are often all kinds of predictions on the Internet, but the people who express their views are not responsible for the comments.

freevideopokeronlinemultihanddeluxe| Crime against the wind? The two A-share companies have once again achieved "God's prophecy"!

In addition to Leike Defense, the Han Merchants Group, which was "predicted" by netizens, also achieved an one-word limit on May 22. After the A-share market closed on May 21, some netizens in the comment area of the Chinese Merchants Group said: "there will be one word tomorrow, and I can't buy it!"

After the opening today, Han Shang Group, as the netizen predicted, opened by the daily limit directly. Although it was thrown into the market and smashed open the limit board, it was soon sealed back to the limit again.

Han Shang Group is a stock in the new retail sector. On May 8 and May 9, the company rose by its daily limit for two consecutive days. It is reported that the fire of the Han Shang Group is mainly due to the relatively strong performance of the early concept of stem cells. Hanshang Group said it is not currently engaged in stem cell therapy business. Wuhan Huake Reproductive Hospital of the company has been awarded the license of "Hubei Engineering Research Center for preparation and Application of Human Stem cells and Resource Preservation". At present, it is in the early stage of research and development and has not yet carried out clinical application.

It is worth noting that the recent "divine prophecy" took place in the flush (300033) stock discussion community, and the person in charge of the platform said: "at present, we will certainly strictly follow the requirements of the regulatory authorities. According to their (publishers)'s remarks at present, we have also considered more stringent examination in the future."

The exchange made an emergency move.

With regard to matters related to the "sticking point" of Zhongtong bus, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange said in a circular that on May 21, the stock price of Zhongtong bus fluctuated sharply without obvious changes in the company's fundamentals. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange closely monitors the trading situation of the stock and pays attention to the relevant network information about the stock price trend on that day, and immediately starts the transaction verification.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange said that in view of the acts of relevant investors fabricating and spreading false information, misleading other investors into trading and disturbing the securities market, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange adopted regulatory measures to restrict trading on relevant accounts for 15 days in accordance with the regulations, and handed over the suspected violations of laws and regulations found for further investigation.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange said that the Internet is not a place outside the law, and anyone who publishes information related to the securities market on the Internet should abide by the law, and should not spread rumors or mislead at will, disrupt the normal dissemination of market information, and affect the normal operation of the market mechanism. At the same time, investors are reminded to enhance their ability to identify network information, pay attention to investment risks and comply with the rules and regulations of prudent trading.

At the same time, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange restricted trading on Chen Guo, the poster of Zhongtong bus, from May 22, 2024 to June 5, 2024 on the securities account in Chen Guo's name, that is, to restrict the relevant accounts from buying and selling all stocks listed and traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange during the above-mentioned period.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange also issued a circular on the verification of chemical fiber stocks in Nanjing. The report said that Nanjing chemical fiber stock prices have fluctuated sharply in recent days, and in view of the behavior of relevant investors fabricating and spreading misleading information to disrupt the normal trading order of the market, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has taken regulatory measures to suspend trading on relevant accounts for 15 days in accordance with the regulations, and has handed over the suspected violations of laws and regulations found for further investigation and punishment.