
5carddrawrules| KEEP(03650.HK) grants 13.2 million restricted share units to employees and 4.5 million restricted share units to directors


Gronghui May 21 丨KEEP(036505carddrawrules.HK) Announcement5carddrawrules, on May 21, 20245carddrawrulesIn accordance with the terms of the post-IPO share incentive plan, the Company (i) granted 13.2 million restricted share units to employee grantees; and (ii) conditionally granted 4.5 million restricted share units to director grantees (i.e., 1.5 million restricted share units were granted to each director grantee).

Grants to employee grantees and director grantees are intended to (a) provide the company with flexible means to attract, pay, motivate, retain, reward, compensate and/or provide benefits to eligible participants;(b) align their interests with those of the company and shareholders by providing such eligible participants with the opportunity to obtain exclusive interests of the company and become shareholders; and (c) encourage eligible participants to contribute to the company's long-term growth, results and profits, and enhance the value of the company and its shares for the overall benefit of the company and its shareholders. The purpose of the grant of RSUs is to reward the grantees for their performance and contribution to the Group, align the grantees 'interests with those of the Group through share ownership, dividends and other distributions paid on shares and/or enhancement in the value of shares, and encourage and retain grantees to contribute to the long-term growth and profits of the Group. After considering the above, the Board considers that the terms of grant to the grantees are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the company and shareholders as a whole.

5carddrawrules| KEEP(03650.HK) grants 13.2 million restricted share units to employees and 4.5 million restricted share units to directors

In addition, during the 12-month period prior to the grant, the Company did not grant any share options and/or awards to any director grantees. In order to further benefit from long-term incentive tools and balance cash and share-based remuneration, the Group optimizes the composition of directors 'remuneration for grantees by increasing the long-term share-based incentive component while maintaining the current level of cash payments. The above adjustments are also in line with the Group's long-term incentive-oriented remuneration policy and achieving the respective annual target remuneration levels of directors and grantees based on market levels.