
gameshows| The coal flying color dance market reappeared! Active stocks performed well


1gameshows. The stock market rebounded to a new high. Although there is a possibility of adjustment, a new high means a strong upward trend. It is recommended to follow the trend and increase investment directions. It is recommended to read "Memoirs of Stock Makers". 2gameshows. Today, an Iranian helicopter crashed in Xiaoman, raising the risk and rising gold and crude oil prices; local leaders took office, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council made a low-key evaluation. Overall, the market window has passed and the coal sector has performed outstandingly.

3. To value Hengrui Pharmaceutical (600276) and venture capital in the innovative pharmaceutical industry, long-term investment needs to be cautious. The absolute valuation model shows that Hengrui Pharmaceutical is currently overvalued, and it is recommended to pay attention to future development. 4. The 28th Index is in good condition, with net capital purchases in the north of 5.33 billion yuan. Active stocks perform well, and high-scoring stocks are widely distributed in the industry.

gameshows| The coal flying color dance market reappeared! Active stocks performed well

Keywords stocks, new highs, adjustment bearish bearish (bearish) upward movement minimum resistance coal flying color dance and news optional stocks writer risk warninggameshows: The above content is only used as an author or guestgameshowsOur views do not represent any position of Hexun and do not constitute any investment advice related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products based on their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers when necessary. Hexun strives but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun makes no guarantee or commitment in this regard.