
bandar89slot| Master Kong instant noodles are about to increase prices across the board. The reason for the price increase is formula upgrade


May 16bandar89slot, it is rumored online that Master Kong's instant noodles will soon increase prices across the board. The reason for the price increase is "formula upgrade".

In response, Bailu Video contacted the official stores of multiple online shopping platforms of Master Kong to understand the situation, but the responses were inconsistent. Among them, the customer service of Master Kong's official flagship store of Taobao, Jingdong's official flagship store, and Douyin Food's flagship store saidbandar89slot: No notice has been received at present. The customer service at the official flagship store of Master Kong Pinduo said that there has been no price increase yet and will increase prices in the future.

bandar89slot| Master Kong instant noodles are about to increase prices across the board. The reason for the price increase is formula upgrade

(Article source: Elephant News)