


Special topic: Buffett's 2024 shareholders' meeting hit

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The annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholders' meeting in 2024, the annual "investment Spring Festival Gala", opened at 10:15 on the evening of May 4th. This shareholders' meeting is also after the death of his old partner Munger.VirtualpokerchipsWarren Buffett (Warren Buffett), the "god of shares", made his first solo appearance.

At the beginning of this year's shareholder letter, Buffett wrote in memory of Charlie Munger, calling him the "architect" of Berkshire Hathaway, while he himself was the "general contractor" who built his vision day after day. According to media sources, Apple CEO Cook appeared at Buffett's shareholders' meeting on May 4. It is reported that Cook has been a regular at the shareholders' meeting since his first participation in 2019. The picture shows that Bill Gates also came to the scene of the conference.

At the end of Buffett's shareholders' meeting in 2024, Buffett said that we have only answered about 30 questions today, but thank you for coming all the way here to attend the meeting, and you are welcome to come to the meeting next year. Of course, first of all, I have to make sure that I can come to the meeting again next year.

On May 3, 2024, local time, the 2024 Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholders' meeting opened at the CentralLink Center in Ohama. Buffett communicated with Pat Egan, president of time Candy. Photo Source: visual China

A list of key questions and answers at Buffett's shareholders' meeting in 2024:

Talking about reducing Apple holdings

On May 4, in a live broadcast of Buffett's shareholders' meeting in 2024, Buffett responded to the question of reducing his stake in Apple stock. 'We still have a lot of Apple stock,'he said. At the end of the year, Apple was the largest common stock holder in our history. Charlie and I are going to look at the equity of these common stocks, and we think of it as business, not just stocks. We also have the stock of the Ice Queen, and we also regard it as a business and a company. We can buy great companies, but we can't buy all or more than 80% of them.

When we look at Apple, American Express and Coca-Cola, we think of them as companies. of course, there are some differences in tax, management and other factors, but when we allocate funds, we look at each company. not just as an investment in stocks. We don't want to predict the market, we don't just pick stocks.

Asked why Berkshire cut its investment in Apple, Buffett said it was for tax reasons because the investment yielded a sizeable return, not because of his long-term judgment of the stock. He also said it might have something to do with his personal view that US tax rates would be raised to finance the ballooning US fiscal deficit.

On Cash Reserve

Buffett said Berkshire's cash and Treasuries totaled more than $180 billion at the end of Q1, and he thought it was a reasonable assumption that the company's cash and Treasuries would reach $200 billion by the end of the quarter. They want to spend the money, but they won't spend it unless they think that what they are doing is risky and rewarding.

Buffett explained why he was in no hurry to tap the company's vast cash reserves of more than $180 billion. Buffett said that it will not be in 5.VirtualpokerchipsUse the money at such a high interest rate of .4%, only with a swing at the right time.

On succession Planning

Asked about the distribution of powers and responsibilities with two investment deputies, Todd and Ted, when Abel took over Berkshire, Buffett said the decision would be left to Berkshire's board of directors when he was gone. He may try to "come back and see if they have a different approach".

But Buffett stressed that if he had been on the board at that time, he might have left the responsibility for capital allocation to Abel based on his knowledge of Abel, because he knew the business very well. 'If you know companies, you know stocks, and if you really know how companies work, you are an investment manager, 'Mr. Buffett said. Buffett said that the responsibility now placed on him should rest entirely with the next CEO, Abel.

On artificial Intelligence

Buffett admitted that "I don't know anything about AI", but that doesn't mean the technology is not important. Last year I mentioned, let the genie jump out of the bottle. Let it jump out, the spirit is very useful to many people, but I hope this kind of spirit can do good in the future.

I can't evaluate it. With nuclear technology in World War II, we felt it was necessary to end the war. The development of AI makes me nervous, especially the recent progress, and some of the phenomena I have witnessed are somewhat frightening. AI can cause fraud problems, such as the fact that it is difficult to tell the true from the false in a picture, and the fraud market will grow rapidly. Of course, AI can also do good deeds.

Talking about overseas Investment

On whether there is an opportunity to invest in Chinese air tickets in the future, Buffett said, "our main investment will be in the United States. Some of the companies we invest in, such as American Express and Coca-Cola, have global operations and are the preferred beverage or payment means for global consumers." it is difficult to find such a comparable investment target in the world, and their business is very strong.

BYD's investment is similar to that made in Japan five years ago, a large investment rarely seen outside the United States. I am satisfied with my position of investing in Japanese companies. There are still many other countries in the world that do not understand it enough, so it is still dominated by the United States. Situations that may lose money cannot be tolerated.

Buffett also revealed that Berkshire's next big deal may not be an investment in companies outside the United States.

On Investment in India

Buffett also answered whether it is possible to invest in India. He said that we are focusing on India. I believe there are a lot of opportunities in India, but my question is whether we have any advantage in India in terms of insight. Is it possible that our investment is what India really wants us to participate in?

On Canadian Investment

In response to questions from Canadian investors, Buffett revealed that Berkshire was evaluating a possible investment opportunity "north of the border". We are very comfortable investing in Canada and in fact we are now looking at an investment Mr Buffett said.

Talking about Renewable Energy












