
thebestplaytoearngamescrypto| The China Securities Regulatory Commission took action and filed a case!


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On the evening of April 26th, ST Dinglong (human rights protection) issued a notice that the CSRC decided to file a case against the company because it was suspected of violating the law and regulations.

Suspected of breaking the law and breaking the rules

According to the announcement, ST Dinglong recently received a notice from the China Securities Regulatory Commission.ThebestplaytoearngamescryptoNotice of filing a case by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Because the company is suspected of violating the laws and regulations of information disclosure, the CSRC has decided to file a case against the company in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Securities Law of the people's Republic of China and the Administrative punishment Law of the people's Republic of China.

It is worth noting that as early as in early January this year, the company was regulated and punished for letter-wearing violations.

According to the decision on administrative supervision measures issued by the Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau, due to the failure of the related parties to carry out the corresponding review procedures and information disclosure obligations in accordance with the provisions, it violatesThebestplaytoearngamescryptoAccording to the relevant provisions such as the measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of listed companies, the company and a number of relevant responsible persons, such as the chairman, the secretary of the board of directors, and the then chief financial officer, were taken administrative supervision measures of warning letters.

In the latest announcement, ST Dinglong said that during the investigation, the company will actively cooperate with the relevant investigation work of the CSRC and fulfill its information disclosure obligations in time in strict accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations and regulatory requirements. At present, the production and operation of the company is normal.

By the end of the third quarter of last year, the total number of shareholders of the company was about 2.Thebestplaytoearngamescrypto.90,000 households.

thebestplaytoearngamescrypto| The China Securities Regulatory Commission took action and filed a case!

On the evening of April 19th, ST Dinglong issued an annual performance forecast revision announcement for 2023 to revise the performance forecast.

In the performance forecast issued at the end of January this year, the company expects the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company to be 5 million yuan in 2023, and a loss of 6661 after deducting non-recurrent profit and loss.Thebestplaytoearngamescrypto.590 million to 71.6159 million yuan.

However, in the revised performance forecast, the net profit attributed to the shareholders of the listed company was adjusted to a loss of 5.5 million yuan to 8.2 million yuan, and the net loss after deduction was also expanded to 76 million yuan to 78.6 million yuan.

As for the reasons for the revision of the performance forecast, ST Dinglong said that with the in-depth development of the company's annual audit, the company and the annual audit accountants found that the credit risk characteristics of some of the company's customers had changed. after communicating with the annual audit accountants, based on the principle of prudence, the proportion of bad debt provision for part of the company's receivables was changed from the expected credit loss rate to individual provision, and the corresponding provision for bad debts was added.

It is understood that the company originally expected to provide for the impact of credit impairment provision and asset impairment provision on the net profit attributed to shareholders of listed companies of about 60 million yuan to 64.5 million yuan, and the latest estimated impact amount of about 68 million yuan to 77 million yuan, resulting in losses in 2023, so it is necessary to revise the 2023 performance forecast accordingly.

Data show that ST Dinglong is mainly engaged in titanium ore business, game business and film and television business, in which titanium ore business is the core business direction of the company's future development.

In terms of share price, as of April 26, ST Dinglong closed at 1.57 yuan per share, down more than 37% during the year, and the company's latest market capitalization is only 1.4 billion yuan.