
baccarat2022| It's a big hit! Sunshine's private placement position revealed that Gao Yi's assets had a heavy position in 25 shares, bet 5 times on non-ferrous bull stocks, and held 8 shares for a long time


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Which companies are favored by Sunshine Private Equity?

Sunshine Private Placement focuses on traditional industries

In the A-share market, Sunshine Private placement Fund has become the focus of investors because of its unique investment strategy and flexible mode of operation. With the annual report of A-share listed companies entering the peak, the position trend of Sunshine Private Placement in the fourth quarter of 2023 is also gradually clear.

According to Securities Times data Bao statistics, up to now, sunshine private placement appears on the list of the top ten circulating shareholders of 399 companies, with a total position market value of 111.9 billion yuan.

From the perspective of market capitalization, the market capitalization of Sunshine Private Placement stocks is widely distributed, ranging from hundreds of millions of yuan to hundreds of billions of yuan. For example, six leading companies with a market capitalization of more than 100 billion yuan, such as Guizhou Moutai, Zijin Mining, Wanhua Chemical, Jingfang A, Baofeng Energy and Hengli Petrochemical are among them. The A-share market capitalization of some small stocks is less than 1 billion, such as Hai Neng Technology, Lijia Technology, New Ganjiang, Taihu Snow, Patel and so on. This shows that Sunshine Private Placement not only focuses on the layout of large-cap stocks, but also pays attention to small-cap stocks.

From a sub-industry point of view, there are more than 30 shortlisted companies in machinery and equipment, electronics, basic chemical, automotive, pharmaceutical and biological industries, and the market capitalization of their positions is also relatively large. This may be related to the market prospects, technological innovation and policy support of these industries, which shows that Sunshine Private Equity funds are concerned about high-growth industries. Overall, the industry with the largest market capitalization of Sunshine Private Placement is food and beverage, reaching 281.Baccarat2022200 million yuan, followed by the non-ferrous metals industry, with a market value of 12.9 billion yuan. The market capitalization of the position is also high in electronics, petroleum and petrochemical, basic chemical industry and so on.

baccarat2022| It's a big hit! Sunshine's private placement position revealed that Gao Yi's assets had a heavy position in 25 shares, bet 5 times on non-ferrous bull stocks, and held 8 shares for a long time

List of Sunshine Private offerings and heavy stocks

What are the stocks of Sunshine Private placement? According to Databao statistics, at the end of 2023, there were 42 companies with a market capitalization of more than 100 million yuan and positions accounting for more than 5% of tradable shares.

Among these companies, Sunshine Private Placement into the top ten circulation shareholders are * ST Quanzhu, * ST Jinyi (rights protection), China National Offshore Oil, Dike shares, Camellia shares, Maiwei Biology, Wantong Development. Compared with 2022, the net profits of * ST Quanzhu, * ST Jinyi, Dike shares and Camellia shares have all turned from losses to profits. The net profit of CNOOC, the oil and gas giant, fell 12% year on year.Baccarat2022.6%, Maiwei biology, Wantong development net profit for the continued loss state.

Among the 42 companies with heavy positions in Sunshine Private Placement, 11 companies have increased their positions by more than 1 percentage point compared with the end of last quarter, including Tianma Zhinong, West High Court, Jingji Zhinong, Qiaoyuan shares, sealed Technology, etc., among which 7 companies achieved year-on-year growth in net profit in 2023, such as Jingji Zhinong, Vosges shares, Longyuan Power, Qiaoyuan shares, West High Institute net profit growth rate of more than 20%. China has turned losses into profits from science and technology.

Gao Yi assets continues to bet on non-ferrous leaders.

There are many sunshine private equity funds in China, and star private placement is more likely to attract the attention of investors. As the top of domestic private equity, the trend of Gao Yi's asset positions has recently surfaced. According to Databao statistics, at the end of 2023, Gao Yi Asset funds held a total of 25 A-share companies, with a total market capitalization of 25.064 billion yuan.

In terms of market capitalization preference, Gao Yi assets is more favored by large market capitalization companies. Data show that the average A-share market capitalization of the above 25 companies is close to 60 billion yuan. There are 22 A-shares with a market capitalization of more than 10 billion yuan, accounting for 88%, which is more than three times that of Sunshine Private Placement as a whole.

From a single stock point of view, the highest market value of Gao Yi's position is Zijin Mining, which reached 8.707 billion yuan at the end of 2023. In 2023, the company achieved revenue of 293.4 billion yuan and net profit of 21.1 billion yuan. During the reporting period, the company made a historic breakthrough in mineral copper, becoming the only mineral copper mining enterprise in China and Asia with copper output exceeding 1 million tons, ranking among the top five in the world. Against the backdrop of a sharp rise in copper prices, Zijin's share price has continued to rise this year, hitting an all-time high on April 19.

Other companies with a market capitalization of more than 1 billion yuan in Gao Yi's assets include Beijing Oriental A, Chinalco, Tongrentang, Wanhua Chemical, Baofeng Energy and Zhongju Hi-tech.

Generally speaking, the long-term ownership of a company by an institution is undoubtedly an recognition of its fundamentals and future prospects. According to Databao statistics, according to the reporting period, eight companies have obtained positions in Gao Yi assets for more than eight consecutive reporting periods, including Zijin Mining, Tongrentang, Lianlong, Tiandi Science and Technology, Xinbang Pharmaceutical, Aerospace Electrical Appliances, China Stonehenge, and Huaqin Technology. The longest holding period is Zijin Mining, which has acquired Gao Yi's asset positions for 18 consecutive reporting periods. Data show that Gao Yi assets first appeared in the top 10 tradable shareholders of Zijin Mining at the end of the third quarter of 2019 and has risen 5.12 times since October 1, 2019.