
baccarat54070ml| Jimin Medical (603222.SH): Relevant cooperation with Boao International Hospital has ended, and the company has not promoted the transformation of its relevant scientific research results in China


Gelonghui May 9th Jiemin Medical Service (603222Baccarat54070mlSH) issued a stock trading risk tip announcement, there were media reports that Professor Yin Hao's team from the second affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University (Shanghai long March Hospital), together with Professor Cheng Xin's team of Chinese Academy of Sciences, successfully cured a type 2 diabetic patient with severely impaired islet function by using autologous regenerated islet transplantation derived from stem cells for the first time in the world. At present, the patient has been completely free from insulin for 33 months. The relevant results were published in the international journal Cell Discovery. At the same time, it is reported that Jimin Medical is the exclusive partner of Professor JonathanRobertToddLakey of the Department of surgery and Biomedical Engineering of the University of California, Irvine, in China, and the company has priority for the technological transformation of its scientific research achievements in China, in which islet transplantation for diabetes has been awarded FDA to conduct clinical trials at the University of California, Irvine.

The company's Boao International Hospital signed with Professor JonathanRobertToddLakey in January 2019.Baccarat54070mlA cooperation agreement has been made to employ Professor JonathanRobertToddLakey as the chief scientist, whose main responsibility is to provide technical support to the hospital in stem cell-related fields and to jointly carry out scientific research projects for a period of 3 years. Up to now, the cooperation between the two sides has been completed, and the company has not promoted the transformation of its related scientific research achievements in China.

baccarat54070ml| Jimin Medical (603222.SH): Relevant cooperation with Boao International Hospital has ended, and the company has not promoted the transformation of its relevant scientific research results in China

At present, the stem cell drug research and development pipeline of Boao International Hospital mainly includes adipose mesenchymal stem cells (ADSC) for retinitis pigmentosa (RP), adipose mesenchymal stem cells (ADSC) for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and adipose mesenchymal stem cells (ADSC) for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but they are all in the preclinical stage and the project is relatively early. Innovative drug research and development cycle is long, many links, high risk, from development, clinical trials, application to production is easily affected by technology, examination and approval, policies and many other factors, there are many uncertainties in the follow-up research and development.