
devilcrash|赛力斯集团董事长张兴海现身成都 AITO 问界用户中心,向用户交车


IT Home reported on May 5 that IT Home learned from @ Celis Group's official Weibo that during May Day, Zhang Xinghai, chairman (founder) of Celis Group, came to the AITO Wenjie Chengdu Hongpailou User Center and delivered the car to the user in person.

"It is necessary to strengthen and deepen interaction with users and deeply understand user needs to further optimize services and provide valuable advice for subsequent product upgrades and marketing promotion." Zhang Xinghai said that in the future, Celis Automobile will continue to improve user experience, user satisfaction and market competitiveness by consolidating product strength and service capabilities, and create a high-end electric vehicle brand image that is satisfied by users and recognized by the market.

devilcrash|赛力斯集团董事长张兴海现身成都 AITO 问界用户中心,向用户交车

Celis announced today that sales of new energy vehicles in April were 27868 units, a year-on-year increase of 302devilcrash.89%; of which Celis sold 24878 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 742.47%.

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