
ghostarcade| Yingjia tribute wine: net profit in the first quarter increased by 30.43% year-on-year


ghostarcade| Yingjia tribute wine: net profit in the first quarter increased by 30.43% year-on-year

Welcome tribute wine released quarterly reportghostarcade, achieve revenue in the first quarter of 2024 2ghostarcade,324,673,220.84 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.33%; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 912,951,132.00 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.43%. Basic earnings per share were 1.14 yuan.

The company released its annual report on the same day. In 2023, revenue will be 6,720,086,566.18 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.07%; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will be 2,287,812,374.95 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 34.17%. Basic earnings per share were 2.86 yuan. The company plans to distribute a cash dividend of 13 yuan for every 10 shares to all shareholders.