
freemoneyslotsnodeposit| In the first quarter, public funds actively increased positions, and technology and pharmaceutical stocks welcomed structural opportunities


[structural opportunities emerge in the A-share marketFreemoneyslotsnodepositSeveral well-known fund managers actively increased their positions in the first quarter]

Quarterly data from public offering funds show that although equity fund stock positions declined slightly in the first quarter, they remained stable as a whole.

freemoneyslotsnodeposit| In the first quarter, public funds actively increased positions, and technology and pharmaceutical stocks welcomed structural opportunities

A number of well-known fund managers, including Fu Pengbo, Li Xiaoxing and Liu Gesong, have actively increased their positions in order to grab high-quality targets at low levels and optimize and adjust investment strategies at the same time.

They believe that there are structural opportunities in the current A-share market, focusing on science and technology, medicine, and pro-cyclical main lines.

In the second quarter, we will focus on the matching of valuation and earnings to seize investment opportunities.

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